Tableware Handmade from Reclaimed Glass Spiral Glass Plate, lightly-frosted Spiral Glass Plate, clear Spiral Bowl, frosted Square Plate “Labyrinth” Serving Platter “Whirlwind” Spiral Bowl Square Platter “Labyrinth” Starburst Bowl Twister Bowl Spiral Glass Platter Serving Platter “Baroque” Square Platter “Honeycomb”, curved Spiral Platter, frosted Frosted Glass Platter “Labyrinth”, rectangular Rectangle Glass Platter “Labyrinth” Glass Platter “Double Labyrinth” Square Glass Platter “Labyrinth”, curved Sets of Side and Dessert Bowls Platter “Honeycomb”, rectangular Square Platter “Diamond” Rectangular Platter “Diamond” Set of Side Plates Browse by Design Spiral Labyrinth Whirlwind Starburst Twister Baroque Honeycomb Diamond Browse by Type Bowls Plates Platters